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C6 Multiband Compressor

6 bands of multi-function dynamics and focused EQ
Image for C6 Multiband Compressor

Sculpt Dynamics with Pinpoint Precision and Versatility


C6 is ideal for serious audio surgery on individual tracks and masters. Its extreme flexibility comes from 4 configurable frequency bands—and 2 additional “floating” frequency bands—that let you apply per-band compression, expansion, upward expansion, limiting, and dynamic EQ.

This refined blend of dynamics processing and EQ is optimized to shape (or repair) any audio with a wide frequency range—masters, drums, synthesizers, heavy guitar, piano, and more.

  • 4 different types of powerful dynamics processing
  • 6 frequency bands provide tightly focused dynamics and EQ
  • 4 crossover frequency bands, 2 floating bands
  • Internal/external sidechain per band
  • 3 release options—smooth, fast, and automatic control
  • Analog circuitry modeling gives a warm sonic character
  • Sidechain input locks dynamics processing to other tracks
  • Customize crossover frequencies and slopes—from gentle to steep
  • Over 50 presets by top mixing engineers
  • Individual solo and bypass buttons for each band, with variable knee
Watch It in Action

Your Swiss Army Knife for Shaping Dynamics and Tone

  • Merge EQ and Dynamics in One Tool

    With C6’s swiss army knife, you can use limiting on the low frequencies, compression on the mids, upward expansion in the upper mids for articulation, and expansion on the highs to tame hiss—or apply any kind of dynamic option, to any frequency band.

    Features: Glue Mixes without “Squashing”
  • Expand Upward to Shape Transients

    Upward expansion, rarely found in processors, can do frequency-selective transient shaping that enhances a percussive instrument’s attack and energy. All of C6’s dynamics processors can monitor, and respond to, a sidechain input.

  • 6 Band of Dynamic EQ

    Use C6 as a multiband EQ to focus on particular frequency ranges, while applying dynamics to individual bands. ±18 dB gain exceeds many EQs, and two “floating” EQ stages provide the final surgical touch.

    Features: Fast and Efficient Operation
  • Analog Character, Digital Precision

    Unlike linear phase EQ, the C6 has a distinctly analog character. Drums are smooth, synthesizers acquire personalities, keyboards gain depth, and masters become warmer—all with digital’s precision and repeatability.

    Features: From Vocals to “The Ringo Drum Sound”
  • Choose VCA or Opto-Style Release

    The dynamics processors catch transients based on the attack time you set—but the release can decelerate like an opto-based compressor, speed up for a quicker response, or conform to the Auto-Release option.

    Features: Multiple Modes Fit Different Material
  • Simplified Dynamics Editing

    The C6 replaces fussy Ratio/Threshold settings with an intelligent Range parameter. This sets the maximum amount of gain change—positive or negative—while Threshold sets the level where the gain change begins. Simple.

    Features: Precision Modeled Transformers