Free multitrack session for Tracks Live Emily Kopp, "When We Fight" Written and performed by Emily Kopp Recorded live by Justin Beckler @ The Backbooth, Orlando, FL, Oct. 13, 2015 Sample Rate: 44.1kHz
What's New
V1.3.0-6 - January 4, 2017
Mac OS Sierra is now officially supported
Windows 10 is now officially supported
Improved performance on Windows machines
BWF file format added to Export menu
Changed LTC slave behavior – recording continues until transport stop button is pressed
Changed format of region naming (after recording): “Track 1-1” instead of “Track 1-1.1”
Changed format of region naming (after recording): “Track 1-1.L.wav” and “Track 1-1.R.wav” instead of “Track 1-1%L.wav” and “Track 1-1%R.wav”
It is now possible to rename and move markers during recording
New marker dialog added: Key Command (Shift+M). May be reassigned in Key Commands list.
Various bug fixes
V1.2.0-262 - February 18, 2016
Support for Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) added.
Restore Session to Default command added.
Faster session reopen.
Transport Stop attribute can be added to marker.
V1.2.0-214 - November 25, 2015
Improved graphic interface with Retina display support.
Tracks can be color-coded across the entire mixer.
Transport Record latch for determining record/play behavior when resuming playback
Pre-definable marker names.
Freewheel and Jam Sync.
Support for RF64 files.
V1.1.0-20 - June 3, 2015
Ability to save session templates.
LTC sync option.
V1.0.0-2742 - March 22, 2015
Error initializing some audio devices issue fixed.
V1.0.0-2740 - March 9, 2015
Tracks Live released.
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